You can make all the difference.
Our Mission Statement
The SRF missions team is currently a group of five volunteers who give oversight and direction to the church’s outreach strategy. Our job is to be good stewards of the 10 per cent of church revenues that is designated for missions.
We may have a small role to play, but we believe we have a huge responsibility to help fulfil the Great Commission — to make disciples of all nations — by partnering with individuals and organizations, at home and abroad, who not only proclaim the gospel but live it out on the ground wherever the Lord has sent them.
As a team, we are also working diligently to engage our own church family and fellow SRF ministries with the aim of making missions and outreach to a lost world an integral part of everything we do.
In 2019, the team adopted a new mission statement:
“Passion for Christ, compassion for community: To mobilize the church to fulfil its calling to be the hands, feet and heart of Christ while building hope for eternity by sharing the Good News.”
UPDATE April 2022: FAIR Fellowship
Ukraine Refugee Crisis Emergency Appeal We are excited to share with you an update on our giving to the FAIR Fellowship Ukraine Refugee Crisis Emergency Appeal. As a church, we decided to give $5,000 towards this appeal, and then, our mission team put forth a challenge to you, our church congregation, asking you to match this amount. You gave generously and donated $ 11,202.! Praise the Lord! As a result, SRF will be sending a total of $17,000 (The Mission team is topping up with $798 to make it an even $17,000) to assist in providing relief to Ukrainian refugees in Poland. Specifically, this donation will provide relief to refugees at two emergency shelters established at churches in Poland, close to the border with Ukraine. Relief in the form of fresh food, a warm place to rest, and travel assistance are provided. Every day each shelter currently cares for 30+ refugees (mainly women and children). The shelters are run by local church leadership and a team of volunteers from the community utilizing the church facilities for food preparation and housing. Vans have been purchased or borrowed to help transport refugees. These shelters will continue to operate for as long as there are refugees entering Poland from Ukraine which could be for at least the next six months. The daily operating budget is $8,300. This covers all the food, local transportation, and bus or train tickets to Berlin from Warsaw for refugees.
Please continue to pray:
Pray for a swift end to the war in Ukraine and for peace to be established between Russia and Ukraine.
Pray for effectiveness for the Ukrainian Church as many Christians provide food and medical care within their communities and to those internally displaced in the midst of the fighting.
Pray that Ukrainians desiring to flee the country would be able to do so safely. Pray for effectiveness as the Polish Church provides care and support to refugees. Pray that they would have unique opportunities to share the Good News of Christ with refugees.
Pray for our Fellowship International missionaries, Pierre and Hanna Jutras, and Ben and Krista Taylor, who, along with their local church network, are providing care to refugee
Our Mission Partners
François Turcotte
and his wife Nathalie.
François Turcotte is president and dean of SEMBEQ in Montréal.
SEMBEQ supports local churches in Quebec by providing resources and programs for the training of their members and leaders. Being an ecclesiocentric seminary, most of its courses are offered in a local church or, as the case may be, in a regional centre with several churches.
Souls Harbour Rescue Mission
Souls Harbour Rescue Mission in Halifax, founded by Rev. Ken Porter and his wife Michelle, lifts people out of poverty, addiction and despair by offering emergency help, such as food and clothing, life-changing programs and the gospel message. This mission offers many volunteer opportunities at its Cunard Street drop-in centre as well as at Mission Mart, the charity's thrift store in Bayers Lake.
Mitch and Jaqui Foren (and their son Elias David)
Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
Mitch and Jaqui Foren serve with Youth With A Mission, a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. YWAM’s many ministries fit into three main categories: evangelism, training, and mercy ministry.
Mark Baker
Youth Unlimited
Michael Gregory & Mark Baker
Youth Unlimited
(affiliated with Youth for Christ Canada)
Teens are our most valuable investment and we have a responsibility to inspire and support them. As we serve our youth, we will see life change in them and within our communities. We believe that, through Jesus, God has a plan and purpose for every life. In everything we do, we will strive to show the love of Jesus to every student through our words and actions.
La Cité / Terrebonne-Mascouche, Que
Joël Laperrière, pastor-in-training
La Cité churches are present in the heart of their city and they want to make Jesus known one person at a time. We believe that, like Jesus, we are there to love, welcome and share a message of love and hope in our community. La Cité is filled with children, life, laughter and above all, genuine people!
Power to Change
Allison Hidinger
We are a Christian student ministry serving on college and university campuses all across Canada. Our vision is to see the day when no student graduates without engaging with the life-changing message of Jesus. This is because we believe that Jesus changes everything.
“I love helping students take their next step towards Jesus. I get to help students do this in Halifax, at UPEI, and at Brock University. It's such a privilege to help students grow spiritually, and I feel immensely grateful to get to be a part of the spiritual journeys of so many.”
Mount Traber Bible Camp
Mark and Debbie Taylor are missionaries assigned to Mount Traber Bible Camp in Cooks Brook, Nova Scotia. Mount Traber is a non-denominational camp where the sole purpose is to help young people enjoy an awesome time and show them that God loves them and how to have fun in the beautiful outdoors that God had created for them. Mark and Debbie are part of BCM (Bible Centered Ministries) International, Canada.
Manfred and Barbara Kohl
Manfred and Barbara Kohl live in Blandford, Nova Scotia, and attend StoneRidge Fellowship. They travel the globe ministering to the leaders of theological seminaries and theological facilities at universities in the non-western world. Manfred serves with Overseas Council as Ambassador and has been invited to teach and speak in China, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Barbara provides workshops on sexuality, gender, family, and relationships. Together they are training leaders who are teaching the next generation of pastors, missionaries and teachers.
Heather Harman
CEO of Open Door Centre
Open Door Centre is a faith-based organization in HRM that exists to empower young people to make critical life decisions. The centre provides its clients with the information, resources, advocacy, emotional, physical and spiritual support they need. All our services are free and confidential.
Helping youth who are sex-trafficked: Youth need a safe place to talk about their experiences about being recruited and groomed or exploited and controlled.
We provide trauma-informed care through crisis intervention, safety planning, referrals and advocacy for community support. Trafficked youth can receive support in academic, legal, health, vocational, personal and spiritual areas of their lives.
Helping people with unplanned pregnancies: We provide accurate medical facts and information on all pregnancy-related options and support through the decision-making process.
After the pregnancy decision, we offer ongoing support through prenatal education, parenting coaching, adoption support, miscarriage and post-abortion care.
Helping people who are affected by pornography
Cory Vail
n February, 2017, I was hired as regional director after having served for one year as a part-time advocate for AWANA. I am excited about the impact AWANA is having both globally and regionally. What excites me most is the clear focus on partnering with the local church to reach more kids with the gospel through long-term relational discipleship.
My goal for AWANA in Atlantic Canada is to have 25 new active AWANA ministries by 2025. This would mean a consistent increase of four new ministries per year for seven years with 500 more children being actively discipled.
As we continue to grow, I am eager to see AWANA being used in traditional mid-week clubs, Sunday schools, Christian and home school groups, for community outreach, camps, for family and youth ministries, for ministry to First Nations groups, and more.
Please pray with me that the Lord would raise up workers for the harvest along with financial partners who will help us through an exciting season of growth.
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. Ephesians 3:20 (ESV)